
Azerbaijanian Keyboard Layout

Azerbaijanian Keyboard Layout on macOS named Azeri OK!

As you can see this layout has several extra letters. Most notably the letter Ė. It will function as the E did in the old alphabet and Ə will be replaced by E. There are major advantages of Azeri OK! First, the open E sound is used far more often so it is better to have a non-special character for it. Second the visual aspect of falling between E and İ. Last but not least the linguistical part affects the other Turkic languages which do not distinguish between open E and short E (=Ė). E will represent the familiar open E sound as E does in their language. So it is better to use an Ė for a short E sound. Therefore the dot above ◌̇  is consistently used as diacritic for vowels. Using widespread characters (Ė, Ü, Ş) will ensure digital compatibility. Ergo diacritics are used consistently plus the often used special character Ə is replaced by the standard letter E!

Click here for detailed information about the advantages of ROK.

Нажмите здесь для получения подробной информации о преимуществах ROK (на странице 10).

click here to download keyboard file (install via Keyboard Juggler)

keyboards in comparison

Azerbaijanian keyboard layout on macOS in comparison with International Apple English keyboard layout. Considering the special characters it follows the International Apple English keyboard as far as possible.

Azeri OK!

International English

Azeri OK!

International English

text comparison

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights written in the new and old alphabet

Azeri OK!

Bütün insanlar leyaqet ve hüquqlarına göre azad beraber doğulurlar. Onların şüurları ve vicdanları var ve bir-birlerine münasibetde qardaşlıq ruhunda davranmalıdırlar.

old alphabet

Bütün insanlar ləyaqət və hüquqlarına görə azad bərabər doğulurlar. Onların şüurları və vicdanları var və bir-birlərinə münasibətdə qardaşlıq ruhunda davranmalıdırlar.

orthography camparison

An apple falls from a tree. Seldom. My Hope.

cyrillic alphabet

Бир алма ағаҹдан дүшүр. Сеyрәк. Мәним үмидим.

latin alphabet

Bir alma ağacdan düşür. Seyrək. Mənim ümidim.

Azeri OK!

Bir alma ağacdan düşür. Sėyrek. Menim ümidim.

palatal vowels e and ə

advantages of using the dot above ◌̇ the e and of flipping ə to an usual e. As a marker of a palatal sound ė equals more to i, ö, ü and e. Additionally as a sound linguistically falling between e and i using dot above fits visually perfect in between e – ė – i. Further on the letter ə is used far more often – apart from Russian loanwords – almost solely so that using a usual e would eliminate the need of a special character in the most times.

cyrillic alphabet


latin alphabet


Azeri OK!
