
Kazakh Keyboard Layout

Kazakh Keyboard Layout on macOS named Qazaq OK!

As you can see this layout has several extra letters. Most notably the letter Ņ. It will function as the Ң did in the Cyrillic alphabet and Ń in the Latin alphabet. There are major advantages of Qazaq OK! First, it eliminates the use of apostrophes like N’. Second, it will fit in the system that avoids digraphs like NG, SH, CH, etc so every sound is represented by one character this will boost typing speeds remarkably. Lastly, it fits perfectly visually with Ş and Ç. The letter Ç is used infrequently in Kazakh, but it is still accessible with ALT+C. 

In the current alphabet of 2018 Cyrillic І (і) and Й are merged to I which is illogical since Й is a consonant (voiced palatal approximant). There is the rare phenomenon of having  И and І (і) next to each other which will result in İİ. In which case it is obvious that it will be pronounced differently because İİ will never derive from anything else then И and І (і) in native Kazakh words. Much more important is the fact that И appears almost exclusively in Russian loanwords and in Arab/Persian suffixes -i. So there is no need to separate those sounds by letters because they almost never happen to appear in the same word-formation. Also in the current alphabet, И is represented by I (ı) which does have a dot. This confuses since the old alphabet marks palatal vowels are with an acute accent like Á, Ú, Ó. So representing И by an İ (like Ä, Ü, Ö) will solve this problem.

In contrast to W (Cyrillic У, old Alphabet Ý) forms a special sound to Kazakh. It must be preserved because it is representing 3 phonemes /w/, /ʊw/ and /ʉw/ which are vowels and consonants at the same time. W is the perfect match: no need for a diacritic, already on the international keyboard available and optical aligned to both U and V. Using widespread characters (Ä, Ü, Ş) will ensure the digital compatibility. Ergo diacritics are used consistently and we saved even 2 extra letters!

Click here for detailed information about the advantages of ROK.

Нажмите здесь для получения подробной информации о преимуществах ROK (на странице 10).

click here to download keyboard file (install via Keyboard Juggler)

keyboards in comparison

Kazakh keyboard layout on macOS in comparison with International Apple English keyboard layout. Considering the special characters it follows the International Apple English keyboard as far as possible.

Qazaq OK!

International English

Qazaq OK!

International English

text comparison

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights written in the new and old alphabet

Qazaq OK!

Barlıq adamdar twmasınan azat jäne qadır-qasieti men quqtarı teņ bolıp düniege keledi. Adamdarğa aqıl-parasat, ar-ojdan berilgen, sondıqtan olar bir-birimen twıstıq, bawırmaldıq qarım-qatınas jasawları tiis.

old alphabet

Barlyq adamdar týmasynan azat jáne qadyr-qasıeti men quqtary teń bolyp dúnıege keledi. Adamdarǵa aqyl-parasat, ar-ojdan berilgen, sondyqtan olar bir-birimen týystyq, baýyrmaldyq qarym-qatynas jasaýlary tıis.

orthography camparison

An apple falls from a tree. Independent. My Hope.

cyrillic alphabet

Алма ағаштан құлайды. Тәуелсіз. Менің үмітім.

latin alphabet

Alma aǵashtan qulaıdı. Táýelsiz. Meniń úmitim.

Qazaq OK!

Alma ağaştan qulaydı. Täwelsiz. Meniņ ümitim.

palatal vowels

advantages of diaeresis ¨ and dot above ◌̇ . Marking of the palatal sound equally to ö, ü, i. It is already used in all other Turkic languages and in the German alphabet so it is integrated in a lot of fonts throughout the internet. Furthermore ı without a dot above does not fit in any way as a palatal vowel where all of them have the diacritics mentioned previously. Concerning ı, it is absurd using it as the consonant й at the same time. It makes far more sense merging the і and и to i because both of them are representing palatal vowels. 

cyrillic alphabet


latin alphabet


Qazakh OK!

selected consonants and ы

consonants that are suggested to be changed in order to fit in the ecosystem of diacritics. Additionally the letter у [cyrillic] which should be represented as w in order to maintain its characteristics of a hybrid letter being a vowel and a consonant at the same time plus w is already on the international keyboard which eliminates the need of an extra letter. Also because of that the breve ˘ and cedilla ¸ are now the only diacritics used exclusively for consonants which gives the alphabet regularity. The velar vowel ы should be ı because as all other velar vowels it does not feature a dot above following all other turkic languages where ı  naturally opposes i.

Cyrillic alphabet


latin alphabet


Qazaq OK!
