
Uyghur Keyboard Layout

Uyghur Keyboard Layout on macOS named Uyğur OK!

Replacing É with Ė in order to fit visually between E and İ. This is not just an improvement of regularity, in fact, it is a linguistic implication that Ė falls between those two letters. Therefore the dot above ◌̇  is consistently used as diacritic for vowels. Also by avoiding digraphs like NG, SH, CH, etc, every sound will be represented by one character. This will boost typing speeds remarkably. Using widespread characters (Ė, Ü, Ş) will ensure digital compatibility. Ergo consistently used diacritics and remarkably boosted typing speeds!

Click here for detailed information about the advantages of ROK.

Нажмите здесь для получения подробной информации о преимуществах ROK (на странице 10).

click here to download keyboard file (install via Keyboard Juggler)

keyboards in comparison

Uyghur keyboard layout on macOS in comparison with International Apple English keyboard layout. Considering the special characters it follows the International Apple English keyboard as far as possible.

Uyğur OK!

International English

Uyğur OK!

International English

text comparison

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights written in the new and old alphabet

Uyğur OK!

Hemme adem zatidinla erkin, izzet-hörmet ve hoquqta babbaraver bolup tuğulğan. Ular eqilğe ve vicdan’ğa ige hemde bir-birige qėrindaşliq munasivitige xas roh bilen muamile qilişi kėrek.

old alphabet

Hemme adem zatidinla erkin, izzet-hörmet we hoquqta babbarawer bolup tughulghan. Ular eqilghe we wijdan’gha ige hemde bir-birige qérindashliq munasiwitige xas roh bilen muamile qilishi kérek.